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School Library

Welcome to the Scandia Library!

Scandia Elementary School Library

Welcome to the Scandia Elementary School Library
8:15-2:25. Monday-Friday

Besides providing a wide range of reading materials for your child, the Scandia Library serves a variety of other functions designed to help your child succeed! Parents are always welcome to check out materials. Your suggestions and ideas are always welcome! Check with Mr. Montgomery, the library media technician for checkout procedures.

Checkout Procedures

Students go to the library once a week on a scheduled basis. This scheduled period is the primary time students should check out their books.  

  • Students should always use a place marker when they take a book off the shelf in order to replace it correctly.
  • Books are brought to the Library counter at checkout and should be turned over to see barcode.
  • Kindergarten students may check out only one book.
  • Students in grades 1 - 6 may check out two books each.

Returning Books, Renewals and Overdue Book Procedures

  • Students should bring books to school on the day they have library or they may always keep them at school or in their book bags.
  • Students wishing to renew a book should place a renewal notice inside the book.
  • Books may be renewed three times giving the student a total of 4 weeks.  
  • Books are overdue if not renewed at the appropriate time.  Students will not be allowed to check out additional books with overdue books in the system.

Lost or Damanged Books
Lost or damaged must be replaced.  Students will be charged the replacement cost of the book.  Lost or damaged books must be paid for before students can check out additional books.

Library Helpers

Students in grades 5-6 may volunteer to be library helpers.  Participating students will attend training and will be responsible for a particular area of the library.  Library helpers must take their responsibilities seriously and agree to work on a predetermined schedule. Our goal is to teach students responsibility and give them a sense of pride.  Students develop Language Arts as well as Math skills by working in a library.  Students will not miss class time while volunteering in the library!

How You Can Help in the Library

  • Volunteer:  Volunteer in the library. You may shelve books, straighten shelves, or help put up library displays to help improve the learning atmosphere in the library. Contact the library technician at (707) 437-4691 for more details.
  • Attend Book Fairs: Support the Scholastic Book Fair by purchasing books and materials sold at them as well as your generous time assisting Mr. Montgomery. The proceeds allow us to continue to update the reading collection in the library so your child is interested in the reading materials we have to offer. Book Fairs are scheduled to coincide with conference weeks once per year.
  • Make Bookmarks:  Make some bookmarks promoting monthly themes, holidays, special events and especially the love of reading, and donate them to be given to the children when they check out books.  (No business advertisements, please.)