Short Term Independent Study
If a student must begone for more than 15 days, the student must be withdrawn from the Travis Unified School District and enrolled in the destination district.
To be eligible for a short-term independent study contract, students must have satisfactory academic progress and attendance. academic. If a student does not meet the eligibility requirements for a short-term independent study contract, the absences will be considered to be “unexcused”, and will be added in when considering truancy referrals for the student.
Short-term independent study contracts will not be issued during star state testing periods, nor during finals weeks which are the last week of each semester.there can be no more than two (2) short-term independent study contracts granted per student per school year. All contracted work must be submitted to the school on the contracted day of return and will be kept on file for audit records. If all the contracted work is returned with satisfactory progress, the student will maintain a clear attendance record. If the student’s work is unsatisfactory, or incomplete, the school can only grant excused days of absence for the amount of satisfactory work returned. The additional days of absence will be considered unexcused, and will count towards truancy limits.